Your future awaits in the world's most exclusive digital country club.

Affluence is a private social network where accomplished individuals connect, share information, and engage in meaningful conversations. Our members also enjoy exclusive, high-quality content and feature advice from industry experts on subjects such as art technology travel and bitcoin lifestyle

vetted Vetted Membership

Anyone can apply to be a member of Affluence, however all applications are run through the Affluence Wealth Indication Process. Membership is granted or denied based on this proprietary screening method. This allows our members to feel confident that they are among like-minded, accomplished individuals.

personFind Your Future

Affluence is not a network to store every business contact or friendship you have ever made. Affluence is a network built around introducing you to like-minded individuals all around the world. With Affluence Search you can meet other members based on everything from location to interest or expertise.

The Affluence Advantage

Being an Affluence Premium Member has its advantages. Soon you will be able to experience these exclusive benefits.

  • Coming Soon…

    Check back soon when we reveal the first benefit of The Affluence-Connect