Write About Us
Know about Affluence Corporation is an exclusive network for affluent people who desire to make life better for themselves and other people.

As a member of you will have the ability to find and interact with other affluent people from around the world. Within this elite community you will be provided with access to a dedicated Affluence Concierge, have the ability to evaluate charities or promote your own causes, receive priority access to the world's most exclusive nightclubs, parties, hotels, events and much more.

Membership to is completely free but requires a demonstrated minimum household net worth of $3 million US; or a minimum annual household income of $300,000; or successful invitation of 5 other people that qualify for membership.

For further information please feel free to contact us:

Telephone: (888) 212-5650
Fax: (888) 212-5650
Email: [email protected]